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  • Dinosaur Boy: Guilty by Reason of Autism

    In the quiet town of Arlington, a suburb of Boston, a brutal murder rocks the community, leaving twelve-year-old Benjamin in a web of suspicion and despair.
    Dinosaur Boy: Guilty by Reason of Autism

    Dinosaur Boy: Guilty by Reason of Autism


     In the quiet town of Arlington, a suburb of Boston, a brutal murder rocks the community, leaving twelve-year-old Benjamin in a web of suspicion and despair. He does not have a single friend, except for those in the Cretaceous era and before–dinosaurs he spends hours researching.

    Benjamin’s world is forever changed when he discovers the lifeless, bloody body of his neighbor and becomes the prime suspect. Many neighbors are convinced that Benjamin is guilty. After all, he is autistic, has periodic meltdowns. and he flaps his hands and twirls them. He is not like the other kids.

    Locked away in the cold confines of the juvenile justice system, Benjamin endures relentless bullying. A harrowing encounter compels him to devise a risky plan to uncover the real killer and clear his own name.

    In Dinosaur Boy, delve into a gripping tale of innocence wrongfully accused and the indomitable spirit of a young boy determined to find justice. Will Benjamin’s determination and the support of unlikely allies be enough to find the truth and make a brighter future? Prepare to be captivated by a heartwarming story that reminds us of the enduring power of friendship and the resilience of the human spirit.

    Our Latest Blogs

    Blogs this week focus on autism testing. Benjamin, in
    ‘Dinosaur Boy,“ did not get tested until he was seven. That was due to the fact that he generally did well at school. Nobody noticed the lack of social skills and the bullying or the difficulty with written language.

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    I’ve been writing since 1990, first as a technical writer, then as a fiction writer. While being a writer is sometimes difficult and lonely, and my inner critic sometimes shines, I’ve never loved a job…

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    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.